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Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k
Daniel Fung
Ladies and gentsPut your hands upHands up in the air high
Let's go
Ah-oh, boom boom, ah-oh, ah-ohBoom boom, ah-oh, ah-ohBoom boom, ah-oh, ah-oh
I can't wait anymore
Bring me りんご りんご りんご
bring me ringo ringo ringo
Bring me Ringo Ringo Ringo
yasashī egao wa sorosoro genkai
My kind smile has come to its limit
キツめの Corset も私に合わない
kitsume no Corset mo watashi ni awanai
The tight corset doesn't fit me at all
合わない, Yeah
awanai, Yeah
Doesn't fit me, yeah
王子様を追う Story lineイマドキじゃない
ōjisama wo ou Story lineimadoki janai
Story lines of finding princesThey're so out of date
飽きた全部飽きた, Baby
akita zenbu akita, Baby
I'm tired of it, tired of everything, baby
Let's rewrite
junpakuna kao no uragawakakushiteta naisho no sugata
Under a pale faceAll the secrets I've hidden
I wake up
Burning on
誰かが書いた Phraseなぞるのは Such a shame
dareka ga kaita Phrasenazoru no wa Such a shame
This phrase someone wroteTo follow it is such a shame
探し続ける, Where is my plot?
sagashi tsuzukeru, Where is my plot?
I've always been looking for it, where is my plot?
ハンター気取りなんてもうムダな事よ I'll be movin' on
hantā kidori nante mōmudana koto yo I'll be movin' on
I won't pretend to be the hunter anymoreIt's a useless thing, I'll be movin' on
So bring me りんご りんご りんご毒林檎だって Swallow
so bring me ringo ringo ringodokuringo datte Swallow
So bring me Ringo Ringo RingoEven swallow the poisonous apples
kowai mono wa nai
It's nothing to be afraid of
Baby, 書き換えろ My own world
baby, kakikaero My own world
Baby, I'm rewriting my own world
可愛い顔した Heroお姫様じゃないの
kawai kao shita Heroohisama janai no
A hero with a lovely faceI'm no princess
tsuyoki de tatakau
Fight with all you can
unmei nante kaete yuku wa
I will change my destiny
So bring me りんご りん りんご
so bring me ringo rin ringo
So bring me Ringo Rin-Ringo
結末なら自分で描くわ開け On my own
ketsumatsu narajibun de kaku wahirake On my own
If it is the endLet me draw it myselfI'll start it on my own
So bring me りんご りん りん
so bring me ringo rin rin
So bring me Ringo Rin-Rin
Dum-tiki-dum, tiki-tiki-dum-dum集中, 集中 For me
Dum-tiki-dum, tiki-tiki-dum-dumshūchū, shūchū For me
Dum-tiki-dum, tiki-tiki-dum-dumFocus, focus for me
お高い お茶会そんなのは Not my thing冒険 求め Going
o takai o sakaisonna no wa Not my thingbōken motome Going
Elegant tea partiesThose are not my thingI'm going to look for adventure
Listen up
Three, two, baby, take notesおままごと マジで結構
Three, two, baby, take noteso mamagoto maji de kekkou
Three, two, baby, take notesPlayhouse pretend is fine
夢や希望, Baby, 一人で探す真似事?じゃないオリジナル
yume ya kibō, baby, hitori de sagasumanegoto?janai orijinaru
Dreams and hopes, baby, I look for them by myselfIs it real?It's not the original
Oh yeah
操り人形みたいなか弱き Princess じゃない
ayatsuri ningyō mitai nakayowaki Princess janai
Like a puppet on a stringI'm not a weak princess
Oh ah
アレコレ悩まずすぐ判断ボーッとする暇はない, Da-da-da
arekore nayamazu sugu handanbōtto suru hima wa nai, Da-da-da
Don't think about it and make your choiceThere's no time to zone out, da-da-da
kagami yori tsurugi to tаtehanataba mo isso sutesatte
I chose sword and shield over a mirrorAlso get rid of the bouquets
I go up
I can fight
まだ見ぬ Brand new page始めようか Such a fate
mada minu Brand new pagehajime yō ka Such a fate
You haven't seen the brand new pageLet's start such a fate
わかってるでしょ Where should I go?
wakatteru desho Where should I go?
You know where I should go, right?
Should I go
決まった Ending はゼロ在るが儘に I'll be movin' on
kimatta Ending wa zeroarugamama ni I'll be movin' on
The destined ending is zeroAll alone, I'll be movin' on
Dum-tiki-dum, tiki-tiki-dum-dum
りんご りん りんご
ringo rin ringo
Ringo Rin-Ringo
ハイホー ハイホー声高らかに
haihō haihōkoe takaraka ni
Hai-hō, hai-hōIn the loudest voice
未来は この手の中におとぎ話じゃ語れない, It's my scenario
mirai wa kono te no naka niotogibanashi ja katarenai, It's my scenario
My future is in those handsDon't say it as a fairytale, it's my scenario
Baby, now, I can seeWanna be freeI am gonna be, gonna be, gonna be free
baby, now, I can seeWanna be freeI am gonna be, gonna be, gonna be free
I can see
りんご りんご りんご
ringo ringo ringo
Ringo Ringo Ringo
no wa nai
It's not
した Hero
A hero
nai no
りん りんご
rin ringo
開け On my own
hirake On my own
I'll start it on my own
Eat it all