26 Votes
Angela Monalisa
23 Votes
1 Vote
Nayeon >
Jeongyeon >
Momo >
모모 平井もも
Sana >
사나 湊崎紗夏
Jihyo >
Mina >
미나 名井南
Dahyun >
Chaeyoung >
Tzuyu >
쯔위 周子瑜
Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k
Daniel Fung
Sana's Cheese Kimbap
Lan la lan lan lan lan la laLan la lan lan la laLan la lan lan lan lan la la
Oh yeahI wanna be with you
感じてる運命の Gimmickキミの笑顔 It's just magic
kanjiteru unmei no gimmickkimi no egao it's just magic
Feels like a Gimmick of destinyYour smile, It's just magic
ほら会った瞬間Viva! 最高になれる Ooh
hora atta shunkanviva! saikō ni nareru ooh
Look back at the moment we metViva! I never felt so good, Ooh
ijippari mo uso mitainiwatashi ga watashi de irareru no
Even though I'm absurdly stubbornI'm being myself
Only one の居場所やっぱ Really really like you
only one no ibashoyappa really really like you
The only one place that I'll beOh gosh, I really really like you
tsugi kara tsugi e yume wo katatterisō no sekai ni chikazukitai yo
Talking about my dreams one by oneI want to reach closer to the world of my dreams
tokimeki ga tomaranai
My heart never stops pounding
I feel happy happy happy逢えてよかった
I feel happy happy happyaete yokatta
I feel happy happy happySo nice to meet you
どんな時でも どんな時でも何が起きても Oh oh
donna toki demo donna toki demonani ga okite mo Oh oh
No matter when, no matter whenWhatever happens, oh oh
I wanna be with you
Happy happy happy想像できる
Happy happy happysōzō dekiru
Happy happy happyI can imagine it
描いた未来を 描いた未来を引き寄せられる Oh oh
kaita mirai wo kaita mirai wohikiyoserareru Oh oh
My sketch of the future, my sketch of the futureI'm so driven to you, oh oh
だから Be with you
dakara be with you
So I want to Be with you
いつも Good time bad timeShare して Midnight
itsumo good time bad timeshare shite midnight
Always, whether Good time or bad timeI'll share with you at Midnight
おんなじ気持ちでUp and d-down down
onnaji kimochi deup and d-down down
With the same feelingsUp and d-down down
喜びは TWICE 悲しみは HALF分かち合ってこうよ Go
yorokobi wa twice kanashimi wa halfwakachiatte kō yo go
TWICE the happiness and HALF the sadnessLet's share it, Go
dokidoki suru kotoyamerare nai kara ne
My heart beating and beatingI really can't stop the emotions
さぁ Come on, come on, leggo, leggoふたりなら Alright
sā come on, come on, leggo, leggofutari nara Alright
So Come on, come on, leggo, leggoEven if it's just us two, Alright
ya na koto atte ochikomu hi mokimi no kotoba ni genki wo moratte
Even on a depressing day when bad things happenYour words give me so much happiness
Oh yeah
再起動 You are my power
saikidō you are my power
Let's reboot, You are my power
I'll be happy happy happy信じているよ
I'll be happy happy happyshinjite iru yo
I'll be happy happy happyI'll have faith
何年先も 何年先も何十年先も Oh oh
nannen saki mo nannen saki monan jyunen saki mo Oh oh
How many years ahead, how many years aheadHow many decades ahead, oh oh
Be with you
be with you
Happy happy happyなんでも出来る
Happy happy happynan demo dekuru
Happy happy happyI'll do anything
どんな困難も どんな困難も乗り越えられる Oh oh
donna konnan mo donna konnan monorikoerareru Oh oh
Any hardships, any hardshipsI will be able to overcome, oh oh
Yes oh
kimi ga iru karatsuyokunareru yo
Because you're hereI'll become stronger
かけがえのない人I wanna be with you
kakegae no nai hitoI wanna be with you
You're an irreplaceable existenceI wanna be with you
Oh oh
きっとね生まれ変わったとしてもまたキミに巡り逢える I believe
kitto ne umarekawatta toshite momata kimi ni meguri aeru I believe
Even after reincarnation and rebirthWe'll soon reunite, I believe
Never ending 想いに終わりはないの
never ending omoi ni owari wa nai no
My feelings for you are never ending
大事なキミだから守ってあげたいよYeah yeah
daiji na kimi dakara mamotte agetai yoYeah yeah
I'll protect you because you're so important to meYeah yeah
Lan la la la la
Lan la la la lan la la
Yeah yeah
I, I wanna be with you
kimi to iru karayūki ga waku no
Because you're with meI'll have courage
これからもずっとI wanna be with you
kore kara mo zuttoI wanna be with you
From now on, foreverI wanna be with you