Hanyu >

涵予 贾涵予

Zihao >

梓豪 李梓豪

Xinlong >

鑫隆 贺鑫隆

Zeyu >

泽宇 于泽宇

Mingrui >

明睿 苟明睿

Shuyang >

书漾 任书漾

Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k

Please do not use our translations and line distribution stats data in any videos or lyric websites/apps; however, you are free to use them for any other purposes, just remember to give proper credit.
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BOY STORY - Z.I.P (Zero Is the only Passion)

02 Aug 2023 BOY STORY >

比个 Swag Pose
One of a kind

bǐ ge gòu Swag de Pose
One of a kind

Do a swag pose
One of a kind


The only goal
新时代 Designer

The only goal
xīn shí dài designer

The only goal
A Designer of the new age


血脉里着顽强的 Woo

dāng wǒ de shēng yīn xiǎng qǐ wàn wù bèi chōng dàng
xuè mài lǐ liú tǎng zhe wán qiáng de láng Woo

Everything crashes as my make my speech
My veins consist an indomitable wild wolf, woo


热情还在 保持清醒

sì yì de fā huī yě xīn fēng
rè qíng hái zài bǎo chí qīng xǐng tòu chè

Showing off my ambition is my style
The passion remains, awake and thorough


BOY to the STORY 踏上更远的

wǒ men de jié guǒ zuì zhōng xiàng shì jiè míng zhèng
boy to the story tà shàng gèng yuǎn de zhēng chéng

This ending will eventually prove to the world
BOY to the STORY, we set off for a further journey


Never mind

Never mind
"líng de jìn tóu shì lìn ge diǎn"

Never mind
The ending of 0 is another beginning


从有 是我
Go Ahead 直到实现

cóng wú dào yǒu
cóng yǒu dào quán shì wǒ zhí niàn
go ahead zhí dào shí xiàn zhī qián

From nothing to something
From something to everything, it's my obsession
Go Ahead, until it comes true


无数 Try & Try

wú shù biàn de try & try
wǒ men pò fēng nì liú ér shàng

Try & Try countless times
We break the wind and ride against the tides


只有 Next step
内啡才会我的 DNA Save me

zhǐ yǒu next step
nèi fēi tài cái huì zài wǒ de dna save me

Only in the Next step
The endorphin in my DNA can Save me


Burn it up!
Let our passion set the world on fire!



jiǎ jiǎ yàng we rip rip
suí shí suí dì we drip drip

The fakers We RIP RIP
Anytime anywhere We DRIP DRIP


Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
就必须 Quick Quick

Cross the Fire we z.i.p z.i.p
xiǎng liǎo jiě jiù bì xū quick quick

Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
If you want to know me do it Quick Quick


这里气温火山的 Magma
Z.I.P 压缩能量 Erupt

zhè lǐ qì wēn tài gāo xiàng huǒ shān de magma
z.i.p yā suō néng liàng erupt

It's too hot in here like the Magma of a volcano
Z.I.P Compress the energy then Erupt


大声喊出 ‘We can create a new future'
目光锁定目标百分 Passion

dà shēng hǎn chū 'we can create a new future'
mù guāng suǒ dìng mù biāo bǎi fēn passion

Shout 'We can create a new future'
Eyesight locked, target the hundreds Passion



shào nián yǒng yuǎn xiàng zhe guāng qù shēng zhǎng
nǎ pà shì biàn tǐ lín shāng

Boys in youth always grow towards the light
Even if we'll be wounded and bruised








I did better 金子被掩盖
Never Gonna Die yeah

I did better jīn zi bèi yǎn gài zhe
jiù sì yì duì wǒ cāi
Never Gonna Die yeah

I did better, the gold is buried
Take your bets against me
Never Gonna Die yeah


It‘s time to get
挫折失败让我 Level up

it's time to get huǒ chóng shēng
cuò zhé shī bài ràng wǒ level up

It's time to revive from the flames
Hardships and failures help me level up


We gon‘ start New B Generation
With no hesitation yeah

we gon‘ start New B Generation
dǎng lù ài shì de dōu gěi qīng chú
With no hesitation yeah

We gon‘ start New B Generation
Get rid of those in our way
With no hesitation yeah


我们出现 Villain Taciturn
But make the 对手 Burn
Make the 对手 Burn, let them burn burn

wǒ men de chū xiàn ràng villain taciturn
but make the duì shǒu Burn
make the duì shǒu Burn, let them burn burn

Our showcase makes the villains taciturn
But make the enemies burn
Make the enemies burn, let them burn burn


Never mind

Never mind
"líng de jìn tóu shì lìn ge diǎn"

Never mind
The ending of 0 is another beginning


从有 是我
Go Ahead 直到实现

cóng wú dào yǒu
cóng yǒu dào quán shì wǒ zhí niàn
go ahead zhí dào shí xiàn zhī qián

From nothing to something
From something to everything, it's my obsession
Go Ahead, until it comes true


无数 Try & Try

wú shù biàn de try & try
wǒ men pò fēng nì liú ér shàng

Try & Try countless times
We break the wind and ride against the tides


只有 Next step
内啡才会我的 DNA Save me

zhǐ yǒu next step
nèi fēi tài cái huì zài wǒ de dna save me

Only in the Next step
The endorphin in my DNA can Save me


Burn it up!
Let our passion set the world on fire!



jiǎ jiǎ yàng we rip rip
suí shí suí dì we drip drip

The fakers We RIP RIP
Anytime anywhere We DRIP DRIP


Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
就必须 Quick Quick

Cross the Fire we z.i.p z.i.p
xiǎng liǎo jiě jiù bì xū quick quick

Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
If you want to know me do it Quick Quick




这里气温火山的 Magma
Z.I.P 压缩能量 Erupt

zhè lǐ qì wēn tài gāo xiàng huǒ shān de magma
z.i.p yā suō néng liàng erupt

It's too hot in here like the Magma of a volcano
Z.I.P Compress the energy then Erupt


大声喊出 ‘We can create a new future'
目光锁定目标百分 Passion

dà shēng hǎn chū 'we can create a new future'
mù guāng suǒ dìng mù biāo bǎi fēn passion

Shout 'We can create a new future'
Eyesight locked, target the hundreds Passion


tóng tūn shì nèi xīn hēi àn bān
jiāng yào bèi juǎn ān

Like the darkness overshadowing me
About to be rolled away


xiǎng duǒ zài de jiǎo luò

I don't want to hide in colorless corners



wú fǎ bèi zhē dǎng
lì xià mù biāo bù zhǐ shì yǎng wàng
shì jiè zhèng yīn wèi ér gǎi biàn

Unable to cover up
I made my goal not just for admiration
The world is changing for me




Uh huh uh huh


So Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Right now this time

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine



Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine



Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine


Watch me I'm lit hey

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine


What a good day

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya


Never mind

Never mind
"líng de jìn tóu shì lìn ge diǎn"

Never mind
The ending of 0 is another beginning


从有 是我
Go Ahead 直到实现

cóng wú dào yǒu
cóng yǒu dào quán shì wǒ zhí niàn
go ahead zhí dào shí xiàn zhī qián

From nothing to something
From something to everything, it's my obsession
Go Ahead, until it comes true


It‘s time to get
挫折失败让我 Level up

it's time to get huǒ chóng shēng
cuò zhé shī bài ràng wǒ level up

It's time to revive from the flames
Hardships and failures help me level up


无数 Try & Try

wú shù biàn de try & try
wǒ men pò fēng nì liú ér shàng

Try & Try countless times
We break the wind and ride against the tides


只有 Next step
内啡才会我的 DNA Save me

zhǐ yǒu next step
nèi fēi tài cái huì zài wǒ de dna save me

Only in the Next step
The endorphin in my DNA can Save me

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya


比个 Swag Pose
One of a kind

bǐ ge gòu Swag de Pose
One of a kind

Do a swag pose
One of a kind


The only goal
新时代 Designer

The only goal
xīn shí dài designer

The only goal
A Designer of the new age


血脉里着顽强的 Woo

dāng wǒ de shēng yīn xiǎng qǐ wàn wù bèi chōng dàng
xuè mài lǐ liú tǎng zhe wán qiáng de láng Woo

Everything crashes as my make my speech
My veins consist an indomitable wild wolf, woo


We gon‘ start New B Generation
With no hesitation yeah

we gon‘ start New B Generation
dǎng lù ài shì de dōu gěi qīng chú
With no hesitation yeah

We gon‘ start New B Generation
Get rid of those in our way
With no hesitation yeah



jiǎ jiǎ yàng we rip rip
suí shí suí dì we drip drip

The fakers We RIP RIP
Anytime anywhere We DRIP DRIP


Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
就必须 Quick Quick

Cross the Fire we z.i.p z.i.p
xiǎng liǎo jiě jiù bì xū quick quick

Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
If you want to know me do it Quick Quick



Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya


热情还在 保持清醒

sì yì de fā huī yě xīn fēng
rè qíng hái zài bǎo chí qīng xǐng tòu chè

Showing off my ambition is my style
The passion remains, awake and thorough


BOY to the STORY 踏上更远的

wǒ men de jié guǒ zuì zhōng xiàng shì jiè míng zhèng
boy to the story tà shàng gèng yuǎn de zhēng chéng

This ending will eventually prove to the world
BOY to the STORY, we set off for a further journey


Burn it up!
Let our passion set the world on fire!


我们出现 Villain Taciturn
But make the 对手 Burn
Make the 对手 Burn, let them burn burn

wǒ men de chū xiàn ràng villain taciturn
but make the duì shǒu Burn
make the duì shǒu Burn, let them burn burn

Our showcase makes the villains taciturn
But make the enemies burn
Make the enemies burn, let them burn burn


So Shimmy Shimmy Ya
Right now this time

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya


这里气温火山的 Magma
Z.I.P 压缩能量 Erupt

zhè lǐ qì wēn tài gāo xiàng huǒ shān de magma
z.i.p yā suō néng liàng erupt

It's too hot in here like the Magma of a volcano
Z.I.P Compress the energy then Erupt


大声喊出 ‘We can create a new future'
目光锁定目标百分 Passion

dà shēng hǎn chū 'we can create a new future'
mù guāng suǒ dìng mù biāo bǎi fēn passion

Shout 'We can create a new future'
Eyesight locked, target the hundreds Passion


Never mind

Never mind
"líng de jìn tóu shì lìn ge diǎn"

Never mind
The ending of 0 is another beginning


从有 是我
Go Ahead 直到实现

cóng wú dào yǒu
cóng yǒu dào quán shì wǒ zhí niàn
go ahead zhí dào shí xiàn zhī qián

From nothing to something
From something to everything, it's my obsession
Go Ahead, until it comes true


Burn it up!
Let our passion set the world on fire!


xiǎng duǒ zài de jiǎo luò

I don't want to hide in colorless corners

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya



jiǎ jiǎ yàng we rip rip
suí shí suí dì we drip drip

The fakers We RIP RIP
Anytime anywhere We DRIP DRIP


Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
就必须 Quick Quick

Cross the Fire we z.i.p z.i.p
xiǎng liǎo jiě jiù bì xū quick quick

Cross the Fire We Z.I.P Z.I.P
If you want to know me do it Quick Quick



shào nián yǒng yuǎn xiàng zhe guāng qù shēng zhǎng
nǎ pà shì biàn tǐ lín shāng

Boys in youth always grow towards the light
Even if we'll be wounded and bruised


I did better 金子被掩盖
Never Gonna Die yeah

I did better jīn zi bèi yǎn gài zhe
jiù sì yì duì wǒ cāi
Never Gonna Die yeah

I did better, the gold is buried
Take your bets against me
Never Gonna Die yeah


tóng tūn shì nèi xīn hēi àn bān
jiāng yào bèi juǎn ān

Like the darkness overshadowing me
About to be rolled away




Uh huh uh huh





Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine


Watch me I'm lit hey

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine


What a good day

Xinlong Zeyu Mingrui

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya


无数 Try & Try

wú shù biàn de try & try
wǒ men pò fēng nì liú ér shàng

Try & Try countless times
We break the wind and ride against the tides


只有 Next step
内啡才会我的 DNA Save me

zhǐ yǒu next step
nèi fēi tài cái huì zài wǒ de dna save me

Only in the Next step
The endorphin in my DNA can Save me


这里气温火山的 Magma
Z.I.P 压缩能量 Erupt

zhè lǐ qì wēn tài gāo xiàng huǒ shān de magma
z.i.p yā suō néng liàng erupt

It's too hot in here like the Magma of a volcano
Z.I.P Compress the energy then Erupt


大声喊出 ‘We can create a new future'
目光锁定目标百分 Passion

dà shēng hǎn chū 'we can create a new future'
mù guāng suǒ dìng mù biāo bǎi fēn passion

Shout 'We can create a new future'
Eyesight locked, target the hundreds Passion



wú fǎ bèi zhē dǎng
lì xià mù biāo bù zhǐ shì yǎng wàng
shì jiè zhèng yīn wèi ér gǎi biàn

Unable to cover up
I made my goal not just for admiration
The world is changing for me

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Watch me I'm lit hey
但你是 Low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
dàn nǐ shì low caffeine

Watch me I'm lit hey
But you are Low caffeine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

无论 都充满 Dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

wú lùn dōu chōng mǎn dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Days and nights, full of dopamine
What a good day So let‘s do the routine

Zihao Hanyu Shuyang

Shimmy ya Shimmy ya
Shimmh Shimmy Shimmy ya