50 Votes
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Translation: HYBE LABELS@Youtube
“推し”は癒し 飽きず尊い遠い存在 見てるだけでいい
oshi wa iyashi akizu toutoitooi sonzai miteru dake de ii
You’re my remedy, a precious presenceEven if I can’t reach you, just seeing you is pleasant
なのにどうして? 目と目が合ってる触れる距離に 君がいる
nanoni doushite? me to me ga atterufureru kyori ni kimi ga iru
But why, oh why do our eyes keep meeting?Everywhere I go, we’re always meeting
ねぇ神様 キャパ超えだよ知るほどに 知りたくなる
nee kamisama kyapa koe da yoshiru hodo ni shiritaku naru
Really, oh my god, this can’t be realThe more I know, the more I want to know
一口かじればそう意外な味に ハマっていくの
hitokuchi kajirebasou igai na aji ni hamatte iku no
Just one little bite andI’m lost in a taste I never dreamed of
君はまるで Almond chocolate甘い外側 苦い内側
kimi wa marude Almond chocolateamai sotogawa nigai uchigawa
You’re just like almond chocolateThat bittersweet taste, I’m lost in it
過剰な摂取で すでに中毒溢れだす この気持ち
kajou na sesshu de sude ni chuudokuafuredasu kono kimochi
There’s no way out, I’m already addictedMy heart is gonna overflow
綺麗な瞳 手の温もりずるいセリフに 気まぐれなsmile
kirei na hitomi te no nukumorizurui serifu ni kimagure na smile
Those lovely eyes, the warmth of your handsYour cheeky words and your runaway smile
ひとつひとつ 胸のフォルダに君を追加していくたび
hitotsu hitotsu mune no foruda nikimi o tsuika shite iku tabi
One by one in my heart’s folderI add a memory of you
suki ni natte iku
And my love grows
“推し”はenergy 消える悩み“恋”は苦しい 増えていく悩み
oshi wa energy kieru nayamikoi wa kurushii fuete iku nayami
You’re my energy, say goodbye to worriesBut love’s a tricky thing, gives rise to new worries
今はどっちか まだ知らないけど高鳴ってる 鼓動は確か
ima wa docchi ka mada shiranai kedotakanatteru kodou wa tashika
I still don’t understand what this feeling isBut my heart’s getting louder, I'm sure of it
ねぇ神様 同じ時代(とき)に出会えた奇跡 ありがとう
nee kamisama onaji toki nideaeta kiseki arigatou
Really, oh my god, at the same timeGrateful for the miracle that led me to you
隠れた姿に気づけた私は きっとlucky Girl
kakureta sugata nikizuketa watashi wa kitto lucky Girl
And that hidden part of youThat’s what I discovered, I’m a real lucky girl
kimi mo onaji?
Wonder if you feel it too
私だけが知っている だけじゃない魅力
watashi dake ga shitteiru dake janai miryoku
Nobody could see your hidden charms but me
甘くとろける 苦く弾ける
amaku torokeru nigaku hajikeru
Melt so sweetly as the bitter flavor spreads
sono subete ga special
Everything about you’s so special
Almond chocolate
Oh oh oh oh
foruda ni
In the folder
kagayaku sekai
And the world shines brighter