91 Votes
Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k
Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay
Choose one
Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay
Uh ほら Ride on timeビビってる暇は無い 対象外 Yeah
Uh hora Ride on timebibitteru hima wa nai taisho gai Yeah
Watch it, ride on timeThere's not time to fear, break the limits, yeah
すぐ Version upOSみたく Fresh でいたいじゃん
sugu Version upos mitaku Fresh de itaijan
Version up very soonI want to keep it fresh just like an OS
自分勝手で Sorry支えてくれる仲間に Trophy, go ahead
jibunkatte de Sorrysasaete kureku nakamani Trophy, go ahead
It's selfish so sorryPresent the trophy to my friends supporting me
俺たちには 天井ないっすCount 3, 2, 1 先頭をダッシュ
oretachi ni wa tenjo naissuCount 3, 2, 1 sento wo dasshu
We have no limiting ceilingCount 3, 2, 1, be the first to dash
Grindin' all my lifeI've never gon' give it back
余裕で超えてくボーダーラインEXILE みたいに Touch the sky, yeah
yoyu de koete ku bōdārainEXILE mitai ni Touch the sky, yeah
An easy borderline to cross overJust like EXILE, touch the sky, yeah
Left & Right 余所見はせず Go straightDay & Night 片思いするゴールへ
Left & Right yosomi wa sezu Go straightDay & Night kataomoi suru gōru e
Left & Right, don't look away, go straightDay & Night, to the goal of my unrequited love
一歩 踏み出す We're golden選び続ける No cap
ippo fumidasu We're goldenerabi tsuzukeru No cap
Take a step forward, we're goldenContinue to decide, no cap
We're looking for the One One One One One立ち止まらず Now Now Now Now Now
We're looking for the One One One One Onetachitomarazu Now Now Now Now Now
We're looking for the One One One One OneStop this instant, now now now now now
迷いながら Choose one君の答えに Good luck
mayoinagara Choose onekimi no kotae ni Good luck
Choose one when you hesitateFor your answer, good luck
Looking for the One One One One Oneステージの上 Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
Looking for the One One One One Onesutēji no ue Dance Dance Dance Dance Dance
Looking for the One One One One OneDance dance dance dance dance on the stage
どこにいても With you大丈夫だよ きっと
doko ni ite mo With youdaijobudayo kitto
No matter where, as long as I'm with youI believe it's going to be all right
Choose one, Uh ohh
閉じる Gmailポケットにキーケース
tojiru Gmailpoketto ni kīkēsu
Shutting down GmailA key case in my pocket
気分がノらないBad な Weekend, hoo
jibun ga noranaiBad na Weekend, hoo
I'm not feeling wellA bad weekend
PsyFee の曲 Requestしっかり締めな シートベルト
PsyFee no kyoku Requestshikkari shimena shītoberuto
Song request for PsyFeeFasten your seatbelt tight
The best
Ready go
ご機嫌なFeelin' 全部 Imagineマジ It's like a magic
gokigen na feelin' zenbu Imaginemaji It's like a magic
A humorous feeling, imagine it allReally, it's like a magic
Everyday every moment何しちゃっても OK
Everyday every momentnani shichatte mo ok
Everyday every momentNo matter what I do is OK
君は間違っちゃいないLucksを積み上げて Touch the sky, yeah
kimi wa machigaccha inailucks wo tsumiagete Touch the sky, yeah
There's nothing wrong about youBuild lucks, touch the sky, yeah
せっかくだし スケールはでっかく失敗ばっかり まるで発明家
sekkakudashi sukēru wa dekkakushippai bakkari marude hatsumeika
You've worked hard, and it's a large scaleAlways failing, just like an inventor
You and me yeah
Oh yeah
少しづつでいい 今日も Step up心配要らない その選択
sukoshi zutsu de ii kyō mo Step upshinpai iranai sono sentaku
Only a bit more, today is also a step upNo need to worry for your choices
We're looking for the One One One One One悩みすぎは No No No No No
We're looking for the One One One One Onenayamisugi wa No No No No No
We're looking for the One One One One OneDon't be anxious, no no no no no
不器用でも Choose one君の答えに Good luck
bukiyo demo Choose onekimi no kotae ni Good luck
Even if it's clumsy, choose oneFor your answer, good luck
ボケっとしてたら Tomorrow待ってはくれないよ 時計と Big chance
boketto shitetara tomorrowmatte wa kurenai yo tokei to Big chance
A slight blank stare then tomorrow comesClocks and big chance don't wait for you
このままじゃヤダ I know聞こえないフリしてた Signal を Pick up
konomama ja yada I knowkikoenai furi shiteta Signal wo Pick up
There's no way it's like this, I knowPretend you can't hear it, pick up the signal
映画に出てきた HustlerTV の Halftime show自分は分かってる Answer
eiga ni datekita Hustlerterebi no Halftime showjibun wa wakatteru Answer
A hustler coming from the moviesA halftime show on TVI know the answer myself
Yeah 君が選べば どう?
Yeah kimi ga erabeba dō?
Yeah, what's your decision?
Ay, We're going to Choose one