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Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k
princess changkyun
All of my life ただ探す届きそうな距離で
All of my life tada sagasutodoki sōna kyori de
All of my life I've only been searchingTowards a distance I can reach
揺れる蜃気楼 幻想の Dreamer感情が支配する
yureru shinkiro gensō no Dreamerkanjo ga shihai suru
An unsteady mirage, a dreamer in the illusionMy emotions are controlling me
I saw it, felt it in my dream that dayI'm sure that we will find someday
夜毎に描き出したぼやけた残像辿る Sketch map
yo goto ni egaki dashitaboyaketa zanzō tadoru Sketch map
I sketched every night in a blurFollowing what's left on the sketch map
逃げ出さないよ I'm fine頂上まで I still climb
nige dasanai yo I'm finechōjō made I still climb
I won't run away anymore, I'm fineI still climb even if I've reached the top
そんな世界はあり得ないならI'll make it close to our life
sonna sekai wa arienai naraI'll make it close to our life
If it's impossible for a world like thisI'll make it close to our life
Don't tell me that's true no more ye
夢の中 待ってると言ってた
yume no naka matteru to itte ta
I said I'll be waiting for you in my dreams
もう止まらないよ Oh
mō tomaranai yo Oh
I can't stop anymore, oh
Every day every nightHere we go go go
Every day every nightLet us go go go
絵空事 だと笑われても良いさ真実の園
e sora goto da to warawaretemo iii sashinjitsu no zono
It doesn't matter even if it's laughed at as an illusionA garden of truths
We can touch utopiaWe can reach there, utopia
Every day every nightWe keep going on
All of my life ただ探す見えそうで見えない
All of my life tada sagasumie sōde mie nai
All of my life I've only been searchingI don't seem to see it
雲の中 隠された Treasure
kumononaka kakusareta Treasure
There's a treasure hidden in the clouds
yume nanka janai bashō
It's not a place in my dreams
Yeah yeah 眠れないたび 声かれんだ前進するたびに すり減るん
yeah yeah nemurenai tabi koe karendazenshin suru tabini suriherun
When I can't sleep the voice is hoarseI get hurt as I'm going forwards
muteppōna kansę wo agetekurutta handoru mō tomaranainda
I'll cheer even without considering consequencesI can no longer control the handle going wild
Go to the top 目指すのは High迷いなんか捨てて 空向かい
Go to the top mezasu no wa Highmoyoi nanka su-etete sora mukai
Go to the top and aim for the heightStop the hesitating, run towards the sky
暗闇も踏み越え 行く世界手にしたら Make it to the top
kurayami mo fumikoe yuku sekaite ni shitara Make it to the top
Step through the darkness, we're going into the worldAs soon as you get it, make it to the top
嘲笑の的 平気さ Oh
chōshō no teki hekisa Oh
It's fine even if you laugh at me oh
止まるなんて無理 Too young
tomaru nante muri Too young
We're too young to stop right now
mega sameta toki
When I open my eyes
chikazu itemasu yō ni
I hope you can come closer