Sonho Min
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Translation: teamsubbits
Daniel Fung
syc music
awsten !
Wa wanna be be wa wanna
You wanna be LUMINOUS?
sorezore no sparkle ga maiagaruiza jikuu no hakensha
Each sparkle is ecstaticNow, ruler of space-time
Y’all 瞬く間にgetting HotDo you know what’s up?
Y’all mabataku ma ni getting HotDo you know what’s up?
Y’all as you’re blinking getting hotDo you know what’s up?
よく見てよFocus!Eyes wide open Foucus!一途にGlow
yoku mite yo focus!Eyes wide open Foucus!ichizu ni glow
Look closely, focus!Eyes wide open, foucus!Wholeheartedly Glow
It’s like this It’s like that星の数ほど Pop up, be pop
It’s like this It’s like thathoshi no kazu hodo Pop up, be pop
It’s like this It’s like thatAs many as there are stars, pop up, be pop
いまLight speed乗る 無重力のSwing誰より光ってみせる
ima light speed noru mu juuyoku no swingdare yori hikattemiseru
Now going at Light speed, zero gravity SwingI’ll shine brighter than anyone
惑わされ存在の満ち引きそれさえもSurf & Ride
madowasare sonzai no michibikisore sae mo surf & Ride
The ebb and flow of a misleading existenceEven that, I’ll Surf & Ride
もう従うだけ“本当の好き”カタチにできるYour Dream
mou shitagau dake “hontou no suki“katachi ni dekiru your Dream
I’ll just abide by it, “the real love”Your dream that can be made real
ハンパなくShineGet everybody know you’re luminous
hanpa naku shineGet everybody know you’re luminous
Shine impressivelyGet everybody know you’re luminous
Pop up, be pop
発光 Red Red, wanna flash Pink PinkYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
hakkou Red Red, wanna flash Pink PinkYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
Radiate! Red Red, wanna flash Pink PinkYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
放電 Blue Blue, wanna glow as Green GreenYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
houden Blue Blue, wanna glow as Green GreenYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
Discharge! Blue Blue, wanna glow as Green GreenYou can be just LUMINOUSYou wanna be LUMINOUS?
神秘の指先 魔法の爪先Wow it’s so mythical
shinpi no yubisaki mahou no tsumasakiWow it’s so mythical
Mysterious fingertips Magical toe tipsWow it’s so mythical
Wow it’s so mythical
異次元の眼差し 偉大なる雫So LUMINOUS! You wanna be LUMINOUS?
ijigen no manazashi idainaru shizukuSo LUMINOUS! You wanna be LUMINOUS?
A gaze from another dimension, a mighty dripSo LUMINOUS! You wanna be LUMINOUS?
Oh 回れ右!の末 自己承認後ろの正面 Who I am
Oh maware migi! no sue jiko shouninushiro no shoumen Who I am
Oh, self approval after turning about-faceThe front of behind who I am
ルーレットなんて不公平でしょGuess I don’t know
ruuretto nante fukouhei deshoGuess I don’t know
Roulettes are unfair, aren’t they?Guess I don’t know
抜け出してStruggle Yeah手放しでLet Go uh
nukedashite struggle Yeahtebanashi de let Go uh
Break free struggle yeahLetting go, let go uh
Alright, will you find and track星屑向かう方
Alright, will you find and trackhoshikuzu mukau hou
Alright, will you find and trackThe direction of the stardust
流星群ハマる 衝撃波のSplash輝き重ねあう Uh uh
ryuuseigun hamaru shougekiha no splashkagayaki kasaneau Uh uh
Falling into the constellation, the splash of the shockwaveThe brightness overlaps, uh uh
まばゆさで現在地見失ういいかげん Round & round
mabayusa de genzaichi miushinauiikagen Round & round
Losing where I am in the brightnessCarelessly Round & round
Yeah yeah
Bring アナタとワタシの好きカタチを変え たがいに
Bring anata to watashi no sukikatachi wo kae tagai ni
Bring what you and I likeChange form and together
派手めにShineGet everybody know you’re luminous
hademe ni shineGet everybody know you’re luminous
Flamboyantly shineGet everybody know you’re luminous
目撃して今 精一杯光放つから
mokugekishite ima seiippaihikari hanatsu kara
Bear witness nowI’ll shine with all my might
Don’t leave me
You wanna be?