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사쿠라 宮脇咲良
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Translation & Romanization: ccsmh@random_k
Stunning beauty
Uh, that's me
問題ばっか siren決まり事 なんて大抵
mondai bakka sirenkimarigoto nante taitei
A siren to all problemsEverything is determined
未完成で不安定何を見てる? 何を選ぶ?
mikansei de fuanteinani wo miteru? nani wo erabu?
Unfinished and unsteadyWhat do you see? What will you choose?
不思議なことばかり震えているの? 何かに
fushigi na koto bakarifuruete iru no? nani ka ni
Only peculiar thingsAre you nervous? What for?
この世界は crazy謎が解けたみたい
kono sekai wa crazynazo ga toketa mitai
This world is crazyIt seems that I have cracked the riddle
Stunning beauty止まない rainy私を輝かせるJewelry
Stunning beautytomanai rainywatashi wo kagayakaseruJewelry
Stunning beautyEndless rainy daysJewelry that made me shine
Stunning beauty悲劇すら今に 煌めき
Stunning beautyhigeki sura ima ni kirameki
Stunning beautyEven past tragedies now shine
降るような 星も舞う 私を照らす, light
furu yōna hoshi momau watashi wo terasu, light
Even fallen starsThey dance and shine their light on me
Ha, la-la-la, la-la
Ayy, ayy, ayy, do-re-mi-fa-sol, で乗るStep はまるで 教科書のよう
ayy, ayy, ayy, do-remi-fa-sol, de norustep wa marude kyōkashō no yō
Ayy, ayy, ayy, ride on singing do-re-mi-fa-solThe steps written like a textbook
踊りましょうよありのままの姿で この日々を
odorimashō yoarino mamano sugata de kono hibi wo
Let's danceIn our true appearance, those days are going
予想だに しない方に あるみたい二度も無い この先の vision
yosō dani shinai hou ni aru mitainido mo nai kono saki no vision
In directions we have never expected forVisions ahead won't appear the second time
待てど暮らせどじゃ 変わらないから踏み出して 進め
matedokurasedo ja kawaranai karafumidahite susume
Life isn't going to change if we just stand byTake a step forwards
走る度 切る風に奏でられる今夜は party
hashiru tabi kiru kaze nikanaderareru konya wa party
Every time I run in the soaring windI'll play for tonight's party
眠れないやけに今日の街は 煌めき
nemure naiyakeni kyō no machi wa kirameki
Unable to sleepToday the town twinkles in the night
ashita wo matte iru
I'll be waiting for tomorrow
Twilight 月明かりも私のもの
twilight tsukiakari mowatashi no mono
The bright moon at TwilightWill also be mine
Ha, la-la-la, la-laHa, la-la-la, la-la